Help! Your donations are needed!

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation this year to support the programs and activities that benefit our neighborhood. Want more information about why you should donate? Go here for the answer: Donate to Harford Park Harford Park Community Association was granted 501(c)(3) status in 2016, making any contributions tax deductible to the full extent allowed …

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Herring Run Relief Sewer Project

This Baltimore County Department of Public Works project involves construction of approximately 11,000 feet of a relief sewer along Herring Run from the City Line to Aiken Avenue, construction of 58 manholes and 900 feet of tunnel under Perring Parkway. For details see:

Water Infrastructure Project

Harford Park is also in the midst of an upgrade to its potable water infrastructure. Each homeowner will be notified by letter when their connection will occur as service will be briefly disrupted. Please see this link for more details.