Two projects are currently going on in Harford Park:
Harford Park is in the midst of an upgrade to its potable water infrastructure. The first stage of the project was the replacement of the main line, which is completed. Rivers Construction is in the process of doing the final tie ins of the new water mains to the existing system. Service transfers to individual homes continue and are roughly 70% complete as of March 15. Each homeowner will be notified when their connection will occur, as service will be briefly disrupted. If you have questions about the water main construction schedules for work, please contact Patricia Chandler, Project Manager, Rivers Construction Group, Office #301-942-3439
Another project is new sewer line construction running through Harford Park. The Baltimore County Department of Public Works project is construction of approximately 11,000 feet of a relief sewer generally along Herring Run from the City Line to Aiken Avenue, construction of 58 Manholes and 900 feet of tunnel under Perring Parkway. This project is necessary to eliminate pollution that is entering Herring Run and to alleviate sewer backups impacting homes in Harford Park. Work includes clearing and grubbing, relocation of 200 feet of water main, traffic control, trench excavation and trench repair within Oakleigh Road, Darlington Drive, Queen Anne Drive, Taylor Avenue, Shepard Avenue, Wendover Avenue, Birmingham Avenue and Aiken Avenue, and landscaping and tree planting at the completion of the project. Recently, the contractor has performed blasting, which has been felt by some residents.
For questions or concerns related to this project, please contact: David A. Bayer, P.E., Sewer Design Section, Bureau of Engineering & Construction, Baltimore County Department of Public Works, [email protected], 410-887-3781
The following drawings (downloadable files) represent “the plan and profile of the sewer to be installed, the erosion and sediment control drawings, and the forest buffer protection, forest conservation, and landscape drawings in that area. The Limit Of Disturbance (LOD) line you’ll see on the plans is the limit of where the Contractor can work. He’s not allowed to work outside the LOD without County approval.”
If you have any questions about property damage as a result of the water mains or sewer upgrades, please contact Keith Wolcott at Harford Park Community Association, [email protected].